What a Wonderful World Video
The Big Sing is for adults who can sing, can't sing, want to sing, have never sung but want to have a go, think they can sing, sing in the shower, love a laugh and a sing, young or old or middle aged and thrive on socialising!
We Welcome You!
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We meet every Tuesday
in the Avalon Recreation Centre.
but currently in the Annexe which is
at the far right corner of Dunbar Park.
from 10-11.15am
The cost is $15 per session
During the day try to park in the Woolworths 3 hour carpark or somewhere with more than one hour restriction - Parking is closly monitored in Avalon
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After clicking on the button you will see separate folders for each song. Click to open
Our music ranges through older standards to modern soft rock and some big show numbers. Taking different parts (harmonies) is encouraged but the choice is yours.
We want you to feel part of a happy team so participation
by the teacher and singers is encouraged. It is shown that singing is good for your health, see links here and here.
At the end of each session we want you to leave feeling happy, uplifted and filled with the joy of music and singing.
The music is in an online folder called OneDrive. Click on "How to Use OneDrive" button for instructions
Click on button for some excellent voice coaching exercises on YouTube
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Samantha Shaw
Samantha (Sam) is the Musical Director of
The Big Sing. In 2012 Sam decided she wanted to share her many musical skills and talents with the rest of the community and created the community singing group The Big Sing.
Sam is a local resident of Avalon with two young sons and arrived in Australia from the UK in 2008
Below is a link to an extensive profile of Sam and her many talents